Friday, 4 March 2011

little girl with the sad eyes

Big smile though she had, the little girl’s sad eyes went unnoticed for they have seen and felt much, outgrowing her little body with every hardship which became difficult with every tears which rolled down her cheeks, hitting the dusty ground with sharpness and sorrow. Little girl with the sad eyes was a deep thinker, as she was often given the responsibility of looking after a flock of sheep, no company; she turned to deep thoughts to fed her loneliness. Little girl with the sad eyes sat in the blazing heat in the barren land and her eyes felt thirsty and hungry. There was no food, no water but the milk of the sheep which wondered around her. Little girl with the sad eyes lay on the floor and thought of the injustice her eyes and heart felt and the stories every tear told. She closed her little sad eyes and found herself hugging her crying baby sister, struggling to keep her still as her sister couldn’t bear the hunger as they watched their stepmother and her other sisters and brothers stuffed their mouth with food. Her little heart broke and it became unbearable to hear the tears of hunger and hurt. Little girl with the sad knew she couldn’t tell her father as she was scared of what might happened to her. Little girl with the sad eyes slept between the camels of their father appreciating the mercy she couldn’t find with people. Her thought changed and she found herself in another injustice which she suffered by the hands of people. Little girl with sad didn’t have a place she called home because nobody wanted her, so she found herself in the home of whoever can find use in her. This time she found herself at her uncle’s house. Little girl with the sad eyes knew she would find no mercy and kindness in her uncle as he didn’t even acknowledge her , he spoke to his wife and referred to her as the ‘girl’. Little girl with the sad eyes hardly saw her uncle as he liked to be in seclusion. Little girl with the sad eyes became scared of what lay in front of her. At first the wife was nice to the little girl and, the little girl soon became fond her. That all changed when her little son from her previous husband came. Little girl with the sad eyes was pushed to the side and ignored. She ate on her own whilst the family ate together. Little girl with the sad eyes was scared most the night. Fear kept her unable to sleep as she looked at the vast darkness of night.Her little mind couldn't comprehend why the wife treated her so unkindly. The wife and her son slept in a room and her uncle in another. Little girl with the sad eyes slept outside with no bedding and no blanket,  she cried and hugging her barely clothed body all the while flickering away the ants which crawled on her little body.  
To be continued……..

(intellectual property of justdefine, please have the common decency not to pass my stuff as yours)


  1. DEEP! Advise though. You might want to protect your intellectual property. Just remind your readers not to take anything without citing you as the original author. Or maybe making a general notice...


  2. thank you Miss K for the advise, much appreciated.
