Memories of him are not as vivid as they once were. As the years go by which are preordained as his death, I am struggling to remember how he looked, but if memory serves me correct I don’t recall ever remembering his handsome face (he must have been handsome otherwise where did I get my looks from?). What I do recollect of his appearance is that he was tall, slim build and had very soft, thick hair. My father was merciful, quiet, easy going and a peace lover. One memory that is imprinted in my heart is him coming home from his other wife and me outrunning my siblings to greet him as he always brought us something. I still recall how he mercifully embraced me and carried me on his arms to the house. I remember missing him so much that I didn’t leave his side until I couldn’t keep my eyes open from sleepiness. I remember uncontrollable tears flowing from my mother’s eyes when she heard my father had been in a car accident. I remember her rushing to Mogadishu to be with him and leaving us in the care of my oldest sister Fatima. The next thing I remember is hearing my father is dead and running as fast as my little legs can carry me in the vast land of greenery that surrounded our hut. I remember everyone crying especially Fatima saying ‘my father! My father! Oh I’m an orphan!’ putting her hands on her head bewilderedly, my mother, telling her not to be silly, as she’s too old to be considered as an orphan. However, I don’t recall myself crying even though I loved him as much as the others if not more. It was only years later that I grieved for his death; i used to look out the window every Sunday and cry until my eyes could no longer produce tears, and my eyes hollow with grief. I can’t entertain why I did that peculiar behaviour but I know that it was wrong. Fifteen years has passed and I still think about my merciful father. I loved my father and I still do very much, however, I am pleased with whatever my Lord, the most High, decrees for me.Everyone shall taste death irrespective of age,colour, religion, male, female, granted. I ask Allaah subhana wa t£ala, the most Merciful to grant him jannah and forgive his sins, Allahumma aameen.
Monday, 7 March 2011
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Abul-Hârith Ahmad b. Muhammad Al-Sâ`igh, the close and respected friend of Imâm Ahmad, reports:
I asked Abû ‘Abdillâh (Imâm Ahmad) about something that had occurred in Baghdâd, and [because of which] some people were considering revolting [against the ruler]. I said, “O Abû ‘Abdillâh, what do you say about taking part in the revolt with these people?” He decried it and started saying, “Subhânallâh! The blood [of the people], the blood [of the people]! I do not believe in this and I do not tell others to do it. For us to suffer our situation in patience is better than the fitnah (tribulation) in which blood is spilt, property is taken, and the prohibited are violated (e.g. the honor of women). Do you not know what happened to the people (in the days of the previous fitnah)?” I said, “And the people today, Abû ‘Abdillâh, are they not in fitnah [because of the ruler]?” He replied, “If so, it is a limited fitnah, but if the sword is raised, the fitnah will engulf everything and there will be no way to escape. To suffer patiently this [current difficulty], where Allâh keeps your religion safe for you is better for you.” I saw him decry revolting against the leaders, and say, “[Do not spill the people's] blood. I do not believe in this and I do not command it.”
I asked Abû ‘Abdillâh (Imâm Ahmad) about something that had occurred in Baghdâd, and [because of which] some people were considering revolting [against the ruler]. I said, “O Abû ‘Abdillâh, what do you say about taking part in the revolt with these people?” He decried it and started saying, “Subhânallâh! The blood [of the people], the blood [of the people]! I do not believe in this and I do not tell others to do it. For us to suffer our situation in patience is better than the fitnah (tribulation) in which blood is spilt, property is taken, and the prohibited are violated (e.g. the honor of women). Do you not know what happened to the people (in the days of the previous fitnah)?” I said, “And the people today, Abû ‘Abdillâh, are they not in fitnah [because of the ruler]?” He replied, “If so, it is a limited fitnah, but if the sword is raised, the fitnah will engulf everything and there will be no way to escape. To suffer patiently this [current difficulty], where Allâh keeps your religion safe for you is better for you.” I saw him decry revolting against the leaders, and say, “[Do not spill the people's] blood. I do not believe in this and I do not command it.”
Friday, 4 March 2011
last night I watched a video of back home and I was quick to feel emotional because of the living conditions that I saw. I felt sad for my family and I couldnt hold back the tears. However, as I continued to watch the video I noticed that every single person on the video was.. how do i put it?..simply happy. they had very basic things, shelter, food in their stomach and clothes on their back, and this made them happy. So happy that it made me crave that happiness which brightened their faces making them beautiful with contentment. It simply left me desiring to go back and be carefree as them even with so little. I believe its not superficial things like money that makes one happy but true contentment with what Allaah tabaaraka wa t3ala has blessed one with. Just that; being happy with what is given to you, little or big.
I leave you to reflect on this quote that I found....
“Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty”
I leave you to reflect on this quote that I found....
little girl with the sad eyes
Big smile though she had, the little girl’s sad eyes went unnoticed for they have seen and felt much, outgrowing her little body with every hardship which became difficult with every tears which rolled down her cheeks, hitting the dusty ground with sharpness and sorrow. Little girl with the sad eyes was a deep thinker, as she was often given the responsibility of looking after a flock of sheep, no company; she turned to deep thoughts to fed her loneliness. Little girl with the sad eyes sat in the blazing heat in the barren land and her eyes felt thirsty and hungry. There was no food, no water but the milk of the sheep which wondered around her. Little girl with the sad eyes lay on the floor and thought of the injustice her eyes and heart felt and the stories every tear told. She closed her little sad eyes and found herself hugging her crying baby sister, struggling to keep her still as her sister couldn’t bear the hunger as they watched their stepmother and her other sisters and brothers stuffed their mouth with food. Her little heart broke and it became unbearable to hear the tears of hunger and hurt. Little girl with the sad knew she couldn’t tell her father as she was scared of what might happened to her. Little girl with the sad eyes slept between the camels of their father appreciating the mercy she couldn’t find with people. Her thought changed and she found herself in another injustice which she suffered by the hands of people. Little girl with sad didn’t have a place she called home because nobody wanted her, so she found herself in the home of whoever can find use in her. This time she found herself at her uncle’s house. Little girl with the sad eyes knew she would find no mercy and kindness in her uncle as he didn’t even acknowledge her , he spoke to his wife and referred to her as the ‘girl’. Little girl with the sad eyes hardly saw her uncle as he liked to be in seclusion. Little girl with the sad eyes became scared of what lay in front of her. At first the wife was nice to the little girl and, the little girl soon became fond her. That all changed when her little son from her previous husband came. Little girl with the sad eyes was pushed to the side and ignored. She ate on her own whilst the family ate together. Little girl with the sad eyes was scared most the night. Fear kept her unable to sleep as she looked at the vast darkness of night.Her little mind couldn't comprehend why the wife treated her so unkindly. The wife and her son slept in a room and her uncle in another. Little girl with the sad eyes slept outside with no bedding and no blanket, she cried and hugging her barely clothed body all the while flickering away the ants which crawled on her little body.
To be continued……..
(intellectual property of justdefine, please have the common decency not to pass my stuff as yours)
(intellectual property of justdefine, please have the common decency not to pass my stuff as yours)
Thursday, 3 March 2011
This is a little something I wrote a year ago.
The prophet sallahu alayhi wasalam said “If you all depend on Allah with due reliance, He would certainly give you provision as He gives it to birds who go forth hungry in the morning and return with full belly at dusk". (At-trimidhi)
Relying on the creation all the time brings disappointments and sorrow
They cannot possibly be there for me always; their life is like books borrowed
Eventually they will return to their creator
Running after the creation whilst they run away from me, trying to cater
For them, dedicating time all the while forgetting my lord whom if I run to
Him the most high, prostrating, bowing to the one who holds my life in His hands,
I would find His arms outstretched, embracing me with mercy
Enriching me with His bounty
Woe to me! Woe me! When will I rely on Allah a true reliance?
When will my slogan truly be submission and compliance?
The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts; and when His Verses (this Qur'an) are recited unto them, they (i.e., the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Rubb (Alone).'' (8:2)
Relying on the creation all the time brings disappointments and sorrow
They cannot possibly be there for me always; their life is like books borrowed
Eventually they will return to their creator
Running after the creation whilst they run away from me, trying to cater
For them, dedicating time all the while forgetting my lord whom if I run to
Him the most high, prostrating, bowing to the one who holds my life in His hands,
I would find His arms outstretched, embracing me with mercy
Enriching me with His bounty
Woe to me! Woe me! When will I rely on Allah a true reliance?
When will my slogan truly be submission and compliance?
The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts; and when His Verses (this Qur'an) are recited unto them, they (i.e., the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Rubb (Alone).'' (8:2)
Times passes whilst I am in state of procrastination
And consequently alienating my obligation
Procrastination is starvation of my religion
I struggle for concentration to find explanation
For my procrastination,
I delay and postpone, inhaling procrastination
For my fix like it’s a drug addiction
For I lost the aspiration and anticipation
To do anything, and my accumulation
Of sins increase, blaming it on procrastination
Delaying my repentance, thinking of clarification
For my procrastination will be the assassination
Of my soul, leaving me in a state of humiliation
Affirmation of procrastination
Is not surely enough for salvation
For tomorrow may never come and application
Is what procrastination lacks, emancipation
Of procrastination is what my soul yearns to feel sensation
And adoration coupled with admiration
For my lord, as the reservation for procrastination
Is the hellfire, has the time not come for the cancellation
Of procrastination?
And consequently alienating my obligation
Procrastination is starvation of my religion
I struggle for concentration to find explanation
For my procrastination,
I delay and postpone, inhaling procrastination
For my fix like it’s a drug addiction
For I lost the aspiration and anticipation
To do anything, and my accumulation
Of sins increase, blaming it on procrastination
Delaying my repentance, thinking of clarification
For my procrastination will be the assassination
Of my soul, leaving me in a state of humiliation
Affirmation of procrastination
Is not surely enough for salvation
For tomorrow may never come and application
Is what procrastination lacks, emancipation
Of procrastination is what my soul yearns to feel sensation
And adoration coupled with admiration
For my lord, as the reservation for procrastination
Is the hellfire, has the time not come for the cancellation
Of procrastination?
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